Current Standings

2003 Tournament
As of 1/5/2004 at 9:28 AM (All Games Complete)

Place Name Last,First Total
1 Sparks, Steven 18 18 64% 0
2t McBride, Jim 17 17 61% 0
2t Wren, David 17 17 61% 0
2t Battle, Wes 17 17 61% 0
5t McAllister, John 16 16 57% 0
5t Leark,Bill 16 16 57% 0
5t Thomson, Neil 16 16 57% 0
5t Greissing, Jay 16 16 57% 0
9t Lucas, Brian 15 15 54% 0
9t Shaker, Mark 15 15 54% 0
9t Thompson, Christopher 15 15 54% 0
9t Leahy, Michael 15 15 54% 0
9t Williams, The 15 15 54% 0
9t Gailliot, Peter 15 15 54% 0
15t Palmore, Michael 14 14 50% 0
15t Stone, Rocky 14 14 50% 0
15t Lowboy Glazer 14 14 50% 0
18t Thompson, LT 12 12 43% 0
18t Harrick, Chris 12 12 43% 0
18t Thompson, Macon 12 12 43% 0
18t Roosevelt, Ted 12 12 43% 0
22t Cohen, Brad 11 11 39% 0
22t Moncla, Kerry 11 11 39% 0
22t Brush, Bart 11 11 39% 0
22t Hoye, Kyle 11 11 39% 0
26t Cohen, Doug 10 10 36% 0
26t Gaffney, Lincoln 10 10 36% 0

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